Dear Future Readers,
I am beyond thrilled to be writing my first ever Letter from the Editor! Thanks to you, our Women You Should Fund crowdfunding campaign was a huge success, and we were able to raise even more than we could’ve imagined! Our team has been working hard behind the scenes conducting exclusive interviews with some truly inspiring ladies in STEM, writing articles, pulling together the layout, and getting everything ready to send off to our printer.
This summer has just been one long series of exciting events for everyone at Reinvented Magazine! We kicked things off in May by sharing our idea with the world, then sprung right into June with the launch of our campaign. Now, halfway through July, we are fully funded and have officially begun taking orders for our first issue! Although pre-sales will remain open until August 10th, between the copies promised to our campaign backers, pre-sale orders, and the One-for-One Program, we are already set to print well over 700 copies of our first issue! And that number grows every single day.
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the content that you’ll get to read in our first issue:
An exclusive interview with Megan Smith, former CTO of the United States
Stories featuring Cassidy Williams, Dr. Anita Sengupta, Lynn Conway, and more
Exclusive coverage of NASA’s Orion Ascent Abort-2 Test
DIY project instructions provided by our partner Beauty and the Bolt
An advice column written by the one and only Gloria Kimbwala
And so much more!
Our content isn’t the only thing we have been focusing on lately. Our team is growing nearly every week, and we now have nearly 30 volunteers working to bring this magazine to life! Even with 30 people supporting our venture every day, we are still understaffed. If you’re interested in joining our team, fill out this application. I’d love to work with you to make this magazine even better!
I hope that you all are just as excited as I am to read a magazine about women in STEM. Reinvented is a magazine that features stories about incredible women we all deserve to know and inspires the next generation of girls to break barriers that need to be broken. Our first issue should begin reaching our readers mailboxes on August 31st, all thanks to you!
To Infinity & Beyond,
Caeley Looney
Editor in Chief, Reinvented Magazine